- Eligibility
- Those who know the grammar points of INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE, have a confident grasp of everyday conversation, can fully express themselves, and can logically explain their opinions.
- Should know over 500 Kanji characters.
- Focus and Achievement Goals
- The focus is on conversation. Also you learn 500 - 1,200 Kanji characters.
- Comprehending long written passages.
- Using idiomatic expressions and smoothly communicating with Japanese people.
- The focus is on conversation. Also you learn 500 - 1,200 Kanji characters.
- After the level check, we will determine the textbooks to be used.
- Main textbook: Example 1 "中級から学ぶ日本語" (by 研究社)
Part 1(Chapter 1-10)
Number of lessons required
90 minutes x 20 lessons
(varies depending on the learner's situation, frequency of lessons, and length of each lesson)-
Chapter Class Contens 1 1-2 なぞなぞ 2 3-4 花の名前 3 5-6 ごちそう 4 7-8 猫に小判 5 9-10 満員電車 6 11-12 思いやり 7 13-14 名刺 8 15-16 男の色、女の色 9 17-18 見えない相手 10 19-20 腕時計 -
- Part 2(Chapter 11-20)
Number of lessons required
90 minutes x 20 lessons
(varies depending on the learner's situation, frequency of lessons, and length of each lesson) - Part 2(Chapter 11-20)
Chapter Class Contens 11 1-2 タテとヨコ 12 3-4 ABOAB 13 5-6 昼のにおい 14 7-8 てるてるぼうず 15 9-10 旅行カバン 16 11-12 歌の力 17 13-14 命 18 15-16 ふるさと 19 17-18 ふたつの夢 20 19-20 ものづくり -
Main textbook: Example 2 "中級日本語 カルテット Ⅱ" (by The Japan Times)
Number of lessons required
90 minutes x 24 lessons
(varies depending on the learner's situation, frequency of lessons, and length of each lesson)-
Chapter Class Contens 7 1-4 読む「異文化での気づき」
聞く「異文化コミュニケーション」Reading "Awareness in a Different Culture"
Writing “Learning from Experience”
Speaking "International Exchange"
Listening "Intercultural Communication"8 5-8 読む「インタビューに見るプロ意識」
聞く「温泉事情」Reading "Professionalism in Interviews"
Writing "An interview Article"
Speaking "Precious things"
Listening "Onsen circumstances"9 9-12 読む「小説・エッセイを通じて考える愛」
聞く「ペットに関する社会事情」Reading "Thinking about love through novels and essays"
Writing "A review of a novel or movie"
Speaking "What Happened One Day"
Listening "Social Situation Concerning Pets"10 13-16 読む「データから考える社会」
聞く「格差社会」Reading "Society Thinking from Data"
Writing "Data Analysis"
Speaking "Student Life"
Listening “Disparity Society”11 17-20 読む「言葉の裏にあるもの」
聞く「若者のコミュニケーション」Reading "What's Behind the Words"
Writing "Differences between Japanese and mother tongue"
Speaking "Communication Style"
Listening "Youth Communication"12 21-24 読む「発想の転換」
聞く「求められる人材」Reading "Change of Mindset"
Writing "Short essay"
Speaking "Connections with People and Society"
Listening "Human Resources Needed" -
Original worksheets -
Kanji textbook and quiz